Monday, June 1, 2009


The number in the corner is 0001004.
I got 96% (75% is needed to pass) in 45 minutes (of 90 available) without rechecking answers.

_utmb and _utmz structure

Conversion University states that:
_utmz content is domainhash.timestamp.sessionnumber.campaignnumber.campaignparameters
_utmb content is domainhash plus "some additional values".
What are these values? When I've checked several sites, I found that they seem to look like uniquepagesnumber.10.beginningOfCurrentSession.
Not sure what this "10" is and when it changes.

Adsense revenue isn't added to $Index

An "$Index" metric for pages sums e-commerce and goal values. But it doesn't include Adsense revenue as shown at the screenshot. Also there's may be a problem with different currency settings here.

Also Adwords Clicks report seems to not include goals value but to take only e-commerce revenue in account.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A valuable thought from a GA seminar

High bounce rate is ok as long as your landing page is also your target page. For example, if your SEO traffic goes right to some articles and you direct your clicks to article pages too - don't affraid of high bounce.
I should try sometime to place a js-code to generate a PageTracker call after some time to measure those users who really spent some time reading.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Your stars are yours only

When you mark certain profiles inside an GA account with stars, other users, who has access to this profiles, don't see the stars.
Also, your audience segments are yours only. Which is rather inconvinient too. I'd prefer to have separate segments set for each GA account, but have them shared with other users of the account.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Google AdWords CPC traffic reported as "direct/none"

We have noticed that GA reports GAW-purchased clicks as direct traffic. Help pages describe this problem, but it doesn't solve our problem as we already have accounts linked and auto-tagging is on.
There's also no redirects used. So it's a mystery for now, why AdWords traffic is reported incorrectly.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Many versions of tracking code

When I tried to use Website Optimizer, I found that it doesn't use already installed Google Analytics tracking code. It needs another one.
Now I've found that if you want to use Conversion Tracking in AdWords, you need to install a separate code too.
Help page says in a "Advanced tracking options" section:
The Google Analytics Tracking Code will not interfere with the AdWords Conversion Tracking code if you use them at the same time on your site.
But do I get additional value from Conversion Tracking if I already use Google Analytics? This is still unclear to me.